Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Warm bath

This morning I took Archie round the block, and I was away at the end of the road before I realised that I had actually walked that far quite fast! Most unusual - I’m usually stuggling by the time I reach the first corner.

I continued at (relative) pace right round to almost back home before my normal fatigue and general reluctance set in! I forgot my phone, so I didn’t know the step count.

Could it be that my swimming is helping? Or was it a fluke? I do have days where I feel better than others…

Anyway, I had decided to go swimming again today, as the pools are closed for the next four days for competitions. 

Today, when I sunk into the pool, it felt a bit colder than yesterday… was it my imagination? The ‘slow’ lane, which is about a third of the pool, was actually quite busy with several swimmers, so I couldn’t hog the side as I like to. So I spotted the other ‘slow’ lane just had one person, so I swapped over. And I soon got rid of him and had it to myself. I mostly did my combined cycling/breast stroke/doggie paddle manoeuvre. And although it’s not a recognised stroke, it’s actually much better for me because I my legs and arms are moving about frantically, but I can watch the springboard divers practising in the next pool as I sail by. 

I did half an hour before I did start to feel a wee bit cold. So when I got out, I looked in the ‘Teaching Pool’ next door. This is mainly used for toddlers and lessons, but it was empty today, with two pool attendants on guard. They indicated that I could use it. And so I plopped in. It was like a warm bath! A whole big 25m WARM pool (1.25m deep) to myself!! So I did a few more lengths.

I asked what the temperatures were: 27° in the big pool. 33° in the Training Pool! And yes, the main pool temperature had been reduced (usually about 29°) because of the competitions over the weekend.

Hazel popped over to discuss a wee holiday we’re planning… and then she and JR and Archie went across to Bruntsfield to have a look round the shops and get in the festive mood, but I declined, being quite tired after my efforts in the pool.

And I’m so glad I didn’t bother, as the advertised ‘Christmas Special’ was a damp squib. No specials, no Christmas twinkly lights, no Salvation Army band. And very very cold. But Archie enjoyed it, apparently.

Photo by Hazel

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