just a Moment in the wood

By wavingarms


It has been a hard week for Teddy.

There has been bad language, from the little people. Letters to their homes. There have been so many very important emails. At least that's what they all said. There have been forms, many forms, some of the important ones telling him how he can more efficiently suck an egg or two. And where to tick when he had done.

Teddy wants to explain where they can tick it.

It takes a lot for Teddy to head for an early evening soak in the bath. Peace. Tranquility. Stillness.

That's when the 'giants up the beanstalk' thought was a good time to start up the tumble driver above. And bring in Clump the Kid to drop things on the floor.

Oh. Teddy.

Don't worry, tomorrow you're escaping. You get to meet one of playmates special friends. Teddys very excited. And tomorrow night Teddy should get a great night sleep. Hopefully aided by a few Teddy tots and a hotel bed.

He's just got to get though tonight! Teddy hopes that the goose doesn't start laying and the harp playing. Or Teddy may get out the axe.

Not a good idea Teddy.

Droopy eyed Teddy.

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