Making Your Own Bath And Lying In It

Today was yet another gloomy day outside so I decided to try and think of an image I could take indoors. I was feeling a bit bereft of inspiration until I randomly picked up one of my brother's photography books - Cabin Fever by an American photographer called Katie Burnett.
She never thought she'd become a photographer. It was during lockdown in Brooklyn in March 2020 that her pursuits in photography really started to kick off, having spent a month photographing potatoes. "I would shoot them in funny ways, making a new potato scene or character a day, or turn some of my friends into potatoes, it was just fun," she says. "I like to be creative, so shooting and making was a way for me to stay inspired and try something new".
This would lead to her creating her first book, Cabin Fever, as another lockdown project. Her images play with contrast, composition and self-portraiture using household items such as rubber bands, towels and shower heads as props and even her two cats as models.
She pays close attention to the art of composition and tricks that can be achieved - one one occasion being upside down and pressing the camera with her toe!
Therefore, today's shot is my rather substandard attempt at something similar - I couldn't quite manage standing upside down pressing the shutter with my toe but I did stand rather precariously on each side of the bath to get this image, roping in my brother as a model (he wasn't too happy about it!).
The title is paraphrasing the saying about making your own bed.. - having chosen to do a particular thing, you must now accept the unpleasant results of your action. In this case, I'd overestimated my gymnastic abilities and found it much more difficult getting down from that stance than I had getting up there in the first place! The sacrifices we make for our art! :-)

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