Irn-Bru Brouhaha

Today was time for my covid booster jab. My brother again managed to get home early from work and we both went to have our jab at the same time. As before it was superbly organised and we were in and out of the medical centre where it was administered in less than 5 minutes.
The only difference this time was that we had to wait for 15 minutes in an outdoor tent before we were allowed to leave in case there was any adverse reaction. As is now our tradition after a jab, whether covid or flu, we headed straight to the pub for a pint afterwards!
Today's image was actually as a result of a clear out of our extension where I found these out of date cans of Irn-Bru.
For those not in the know Irn-Bru is a bright orange carbonated soft drink, often described as "Scotland's other national drink" - after whisky, which was first introduced in 1901. To any true Scot I apologise for this shot being of the sugar free version - I'm pretty sure this is sacrilege!
A brouhaha is a noisy and overexcited reaction or response to something  and this reminded me of the fact that big name sponsors at Cop 26 in Glasgow recently were left scratching their heads as to how the plucky Scottish fizzy drink managed to steal the limelight in the marketing ambush of the year.
It made global headlines when the US congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez posted an instagram video of herself praising the beverage after having her first taste.

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