"Where are you really from?"
As a Welsh person living in Scotland I have been asked this many times, always out of polite interest.
But on a recent holiday in Budapest I had a most unpleasant experience when an Hungarian woman, I presume she was Hungarian, came up to me totally out of the blue and stood within inches of my face, stared deep into my eyes and demanded: “Are you Ukrainian nationalist?” There was blatant hostility and hatred in her voice and eyes.
I didn’t know what to say, do I explain I am Welsh but living in Scotland?
Instead I said: “British.”
At which point she marched away.
Some time ago I knew a Chinese artist who once stopped a woman in the street because she looked Asian and asked her where she was from.
“Sheffield,” she said.”
“No you are not, look in the mirror.”
I wonder if other Blippers have had similar experiences regarding their identity.
Info for Blip followers outwith the UK – Lady Susan Hussey, Lady in Waiting to the late Queen, kept asking a black charity boss at a reception in Buckingham Palace “ where are you really from?”
PS Follow up to my letter from the NHS mentioned in yesterday's blip. Yes there had been a mistake. I received a phone call this morning with an apology.
Photo: sunset Stirling university
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