Mistaken identity

Winter has finally arrived. Time to get out the de-icers, scrapers, salt and all the paraphernalia for a long cold spell.
Received an ominous envelope from the NHS. I wasn’t expecting to hear from them. What could it be?
It’s to inform me I will be having a telephone consultation with a rheumatologist. Well, you could have knocked me down with a feather. What disease is this that I am supposed to have got?
Naturally, I wasted no time before rushing to our local Health centre waving the letter under the nose of the overworked receptionist. 
After a few minutes she came back.
“Nothing to do with us. Contact the hospital. They sent it out.”
So I ring Larbert hospital. Guess what? After speaking to two different departments I get the same response.
“ Nothing to do with us.”
It’s now been passed to a fourth person who will contact me with an explanation. They all agree on one thing- it’s a mistake.
This is not the first time of mistaken identify. M got issued with pills for epilepsy and bi-polar disorder by the same hospital , neither condition of which he has. Turned out there is a man of the same name in Bridge of Allan.

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