By lizzie_birkett

Gorgeous Hair!

I love Isla’s red locks. Here she was being creative at the kitchen table and so was Frank. They are a creative family which is lovely as it can involve us all once the paints and paper come out.
We’ve had the laziest day! Sitting about, chatting, playing with Isla and Arón and I finished some poems that I had started.
Everywhere here is still white with frost and a thin layer of snow.

On Thursday when we were on our way to meet Sam after his work, we heard a Blackbird singing so loud.  I thought of this poem on the way to their house.

A Belfast Blackbird

Above the Belfast traffic noise 
I heard a Blackbird sing
it’s loud and flutey shrill, 
cut through the rush hour din.

I stopped to search the rooftops
and the branches of the trees,
while everyone was rushing by
but no blackbird could I see.

I walked on but kept looking up
as I followed the workforce throng
but the blackbird remained elusive
though I could still hear his song.

Another was about the villages adorned with fairy lights.

Fairy Lights

The fog hangs heavy 
over the village tonight
but the houses and gardens
are cheery and bright 
with Christmas trees,
twinkling fairy lights
and frost on the ground
such a magical sight.

Now Frank is playing Cobra Paw with the kids and Sam. I tried but there’s no way I could compete with Isla and Arón. They are so fast! We’ve had a great laugh with them!

Thanks for all the comments, stars and hearts this week.
Goodnight :-) X

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