Day of rest (Day 2773)

A crisp, frosty start to the day. After the weekly shopping trip,  my beautiful wife and I loaded stuff and things into the truck and headed for Stromness. We dropped Sigyn with Mum and Dad, then made our way to the horses. We had been asked to move the caravan which we keep in the field as a store for all of the stuff which you need when you have 4 horses, so today was the day. The truck was, again, worth its weight in gold and got the caravan out of the field without a problem.. Moving the electric fence and getting a new bale of hay into the feeder took the rest of the morning. 
Back to Mum and Dad's for lunch, then more field stuff finishing up with a trailer and caravan shuffling and reversing session, made all the more interesting and entertaining by doing it in pitch darkness. 
Despite it having been a beautiful day, I failed to take any pics, so the flowers will have to do again. 
I haven't done any dog walking today, but apparently I have walked 10 miles and my peak heart rate was 137bpm. Day of rest? What's one of those?

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