Snow day!

After a lovely happy pre Christmas reunion with all our grandchildren this morning it started to snow. As our Wiltshire family headed home, the little ones’ foot prints, in the light snow were a temporary reminder that they’d been. The heavier snow that followed, quickly obliterated their prints, but their laughter, infectious mischief and perpetual conversation and curiosity remain indelibly etched in our early Christmas 2022 memories!

It snowed here all day. That’s very unusual for such a low lying part of west England. On the Cotswold Hills it was very different, of course.

It took our Wiltshire family over an hour and a half to get out of Cheltenham. No snow when they got home, though.

Tonight the wet snow is turning to treacherous ice.

A dodgy day ahead tomorrow awaits. Many schools have already announced closures.

My Blip, grabbed from the window, catches a robin braving incoming tracer snow to take its breakfast.

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