Mail to Messy

By Horomaka

Last sunset (for a while)

What a wonderful end to the day, just look at that sunset!

As I took this, the last gunshots of the day rang in the air as the duck shooters prepared to call it a day in the fading light. I chatted to one group as they made it back to Sunset Point, past the small outcrop of volcanic rocks where me and my tripod were safely secured (well out of range of any maimai). "Good day shooting?" I enquired. "Yeah! But Nah, not for the number of ducks, but just look at that sunset though mate!" came the reply.

As they finished their shooting so did I. With my bone graft operation on Monday, and a planned morning shot in the harbour on the cards for tomorrow, this will be my parting shot of Lake Ellesmere/Te Waihora for some weeks. I'll miss these fiery sunsets, that's for sure.

Don't forget to go large to hear the quacks :-)

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