Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Subliminal messages. Again.

I have decided, after much thought and musings, that I need would like to upgrade my camera! It's not a snap decision, mind you. I have not been happy with lots of shots on my 600D, and a few examples recently have tipped me over the edge... And once you start looking... Also, there seems to be a rash of blippers getting new cameras.

And that subliminal messenger who was whispering, 'Scones!' to me yesterday- he's been whispering, 'New camera!' for a while.

So I popped along to my wee camera shop for a look. But it was busy, and it doesn't actually have a big stock of new cameras, mainly dealing in second hand ones. I should maybe pop over to Barcelona again, where there were just camera shops and shoe shops.

I had intended walking on down to the duck pond to check up on any new cygnet arrivals and to use up my wee bag of shredded bap that I didn't use yesterday. In fact, it was on the hall table last night and JR let out a squeal of delight, thinking it was a bag of popcorn! As if half a bag of popcorn would be left! How ridiculous.

Anyway, I couldn't be bothered going to the pond, but just came home, and who was outside playing? Yes. Wee Brodie. I couldn't resist. It was either him or a macro of some past-their-best tulips. I was slightly safer behind the tiny fence, which he can jump when he puts his mind to it. And obviously he likes to chew it...

I've just cleared out all my downloads, some from 2004 when I got the computer, so that could be why it's been sluggish! I do hope I haven't chucked out anything important. Certainly, the Radio 4 iPlayer is refusing to come on...

Now, back to browsing and reading camera reviews. I have an idea of the one I want...

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