Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


Our neighbours took in a delivery or two - or nine - for us whilst we were out in Guildford this afternoon. It blocked their hallway there was so much of it. Fortunately we get on very well with them so it wasn’t a problem. And anyway there is an ongoing quid pro quo as practically everyone in our little cul de sac takes in each other’s deliveries. 

We woke up to snow and more freezing temperatures. It was too cold to get dressed straight away so we both did some work in our pyjamas. How work got into our pyjamas I’ll never know.

Guildford was semi deserted with twelve shopping days left until Christmas. The car park we went to was practically empty much to my surprise. Perhaps people are keeping their cash for the post Christmas sales. Apparently there is a long history to these, going way back to Richard III who had his own department store. His January sales were so big that he had to put up a marquis for all the cut price goods he sold in January. It was called Now Is The Winter Of Our Discount Tent.

I made that joke up. I think it”s hysterical. And historical.

This evening we watched It’s a Wonderful Life, which I don’t think I’ve seen in forty years. It was far grittier than I remember and also much longer. Another cinematic indictment of The American Dream that was highlighted as a "commie movie" at the time of McCarthyism and J Edgar hoover but which is now seen as a classic. 

Good day.

PS I had a few technical problems yesterday so if you missed the link to my new weekly podcast it can be found at


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