Danny is here visiting for a day and so we went to the Tiki Bar for a couple cold ones and dinner on the beach at these lovely picnic tables!  Danny is the son of one of my best friends from New Jersey and we have kept in touch all these years.....Danny and his family were our next door neighbors 1978-85, so we all have a long history together.  Danny and his brother David are our two "sort of" sons.  :)  The sunset photo in the extras is also from this evening at the beach.
Other photo is our grandson Brian who is military police and happened to be at the gate of his base when two long time family friends were coming through to go to the base commissary and he recognized them as he had met them at my husband's funeral here in Sarasota four years ago!  It's a small world after all!!!!  Anyway, Brian took a selfie with them and sent it to us all.  What a great gift!!!  So it's been a beautiful couple of days with long time family friends.  :)

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