
By NightOwl45

Across the Miles

Thank you for all your supportive comments, stars and heart on yesterday’s Blip.

They have really helped me feel better, I have been reading through them tonight.

I have been doing my physio exercises today. I’m feeling much more determined and in control at the moment. Thanks to those who shared their experiences of family difficulties, it has helped put things into perspective for me. I’ve texted a few of my close friends today as well.

My pain has been lower than usual today so offloading on here yesterday certainly helped. I have spent today with my electric heat pad and music on. Quite honestly, I’m finding this cold snap unbearable as I struggle with extremes of temperature - very hot or very cold weather flares fibro up.

A few days ago, I received this Christmas card (today’s Blip) from my Uncle Ivor, he is one of my favourite uncles as we have always got on very well. We have a very similar personality and both love books. I think he’s got undiagnosed Asperger’s. It’s actually his birthday today, he is 61. I wish I saw him more regularly but he lives a good sixty miles away.

Hope everyone is keeping as warm as possible. I’m not feeling Christmassy yet which is very unlike me but I’m hoping I will as the week progresses.

Getting my eyes tested later this week so I am trying to reserve my energies for that.

I will try and Blip daily as much as I can. Going to catch up with comments and stars tomorrow xx

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