Double Shot Mummy


Exhausted after Yesterday's Party.

All this no-napping is exhausting! Both Oscar and Bailee are coping very well, but by the time it gets to 630pm they are pooped!

I felt awful today as we got all ready for their favourite thing: A birthday party. They were adorably dressed in their party clothes and beyond excited. It was at one of the beach clubs across the road. We were just about there and I pulled out the invitation only discover it was yesterday.... how do you explain this to two only-just-3-year-olds? We ended up going anyway to the venue, having ice-creams and getting daddy to bring all our swimming togs. I told the twins mummy had made a mistake and that the party was yesterday but we will see Ava another day and have a fun time swimming together and eating ice-cream. Oscar replied, "We can go swimming after the party". In the end we all had a nice time swimming together, enough to distract them anyway!

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