Double Shot Mummy


Today it hit me...

That Stu and I are leaving for England in two weeks and I am going into hospital the next day and going to have brain surgery the day after that. It's a bit shit.

I cannot bear to think about saying goodbye to the kids when we leave. They've only had nights away with the grandparents before. Apart from when Maple was in the NICU and there were no beds for me, she has slept in my bed every night for at least part of it.

I then started thinking about the 'what ifs' and had a bit of a moment.

But I'm a strong believer in positive thinking. The facts are, my neurosurgeon is among the best in the world. I'm fit and healthy and got the best chance of everything going perfectly.

Tomorrow is another day and I can't wait for it.

(Oh and I tried out a new polarising filter on my 50mm lens today...hence the colours!)

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