It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco


Well It started off a bad day...feeling run down with no energy to get up or do anything.
I was thinking of going to the next village and try again for some ducklings that I missed last week because of the Beer Festival.
So...on the blower for my friend PaulaK to see if she'd done her blip.
No not yet was the reply.
I jumped in the car and picked her up and we zoomed off to Long Itchington.
As we pulled up to park Paula saw a Heron come in to land in the pond ......
So we watched...snapped and watched some more. About 30 mins later as we were going to leave...Paula shouted "He's got a fish!!" Panic stations as I was not really ready but just pressed the shutter and hoped for the best.
I got him!! ;-)
Thank god cause Id taken nearly 250 shots and this was one of three really good ones.
Look on here for the 3 shots.

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