James (looking relaxed!)

It’s been a busy and enjoyable day. First it was Book Group 2, my favourite one because they spend more time on the book instead of holiday chat. It was my turn to host as it was my book choice “Small Things Like These” by Claire Keegan. It won the Orwell prize and had been shortlisted for the Booker. Everyone thought it a magnificent book with not a word wasted. However there was still plenty to discuss - the power of the church, the moral dilemma of the protagonist, the sense of time and place to name a few.

It could have gone on longer but I had to be in Whitley Bay for James’s concert. It was years 3 and 4 and held in a local Baptist church. Thankfully it was nicely warm as it was another day with temperatures staying below zero. James had told his mum where to sit so that we got a good view of him. Because he can’t read well he’d memorised all the songs and carols and sang well. He couldn’t help nodding in time to the music with his head. I was impressed that he wasn’t one of the many fidgety children and stayed focused, so he’s definitely doing better. I think he’s more aware of his problems now as when he was saying he wanted to go back to the Chimney Sweep drama club in the summer and his mum had suggested he audition for a speaking part he said “How can I when I can barely read?” His parents have told him that everyone’s brains work differently but they think they are going to have to go into more depth about his form of dyslexia. Maybe school can advise them on the best approach.

Tonight we are going to Chris’s for supper. I’m looking forward to it and being in her toasty house!

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