By 28DegreesNorth

Wide Wednesday

After the previous nights’ lack of sleep, my Fitbit showed that I slept for 8 hours 50 minutes last night so I made up the deficit and felt fully charged. 
i arranged to meet up with Stella2 and we went searching for arches in Exmouth to satisfy today’s theme for Wide Wednesday, we walked along the sand to Maer rocks and this was my nearest attempt, not exactly an arch but it is natural. We walked a total of 5 miles and rewarded ourselves with a hot drink on the way to the shops and then back to the car, better than an afternoon writing Christmas cards, I am way behind. At least our energy smart meter hasn’t reached the dizzy heights it did yesterday trying to heat up our house although I had turned on the heating remotely a couple of days before we came home. Thanks to RockArea for hosting.

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