
A walk up the hill at the back of our house this morning. Although the day was a little warmer (-6 degrees when I set off), the windchill at the top of the hill made it a lot colder and I was glad that I had brought a woolly hat to wear underneath the hood of my snug Snugpak smock, (which is the best piece of kit that chavdad ever bought me :-) ) and some good gloves. Not a day for chilly fingers.

I took this photo on the summit - the heather looked so pretty with its frosty coating. The moon was just setting behind the hill when I got up there.

I went to see Joe this afternoon and had a swim, too. After three years of never going near a swimming pool, I'm making up for lost time!

Going out again soon to see if I can see some meteors. The peak of the Geminid shower was last night, and I went out then and thought I hadn't seen any, but spotted a few later on the photos I took. Then it will be back to the fire and Wasjig :-)

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