
By Farmerboab

The James Heriot Library

Another hectic day. Following my away day on Monday to collect Junior from Aberdeen,today was a trip to the Weege to take Littlemiss to her Glasgow Uni vet interview.
As usual everything conspired to hold me up. Started feeding cattle at 5.30, Kev came early to help,but had to spend a good hour trying to defrost water pipes to get cattle a drink
Got on the road by 9am,and it wasn't a bad drive up the M8 despite having to stop every so often to pour screenwash over the windscreen as the scooshers were either frozen at -8 or the fuse had blown.
Don't know my way round Glasgow well,despite being half Westie,/half Geordie,so had to admit defeat and use the sat nav !
An interesting day anyway,enjoyed the guided tour round the vet campus then rounded off things with a feed in a cafe in Bearsden.
Back home in time to hit the rush hour on the Edinburgh city bypass,then out with the kettles to get water to the rest of the sheds.
Thought I was all done by 7 pm until Mrs F told me the Aga had gone out . Bugger.
So stripped the burner down,drilled out all the carbon, mopped up all the kero that had slopped over the kitchen floor,then re lit it. Not burning great yet,but will see if it's still going in the morning. If not, may need to split the fuel pipe and blow it back into the float chamber in case there is some dirt blocking it. We shall see.

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