Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

2909. Slightly failed experiment….

I saw a photo of a crocheted Christmas tree with tiny beads holding it together but as ever the photo doesn’t really show you how to do it!
I suspect that the one I saw had pipe cleaners through the crocheted parts to keep it in shape…mine, sadly doesn’t have that but at least I gave it a go!
I’ve hung it on the tree anyway as I made it so I’m keeping it….

A quiet day today and we’re going over to a neighbour’s house for drinks tonight so that should be fun.

I am so disappointed with how the OU have treated my son as he’s been trying to speak to them about graduating for over a week and when he phoned last week he was told that, “all the senior advisers are in an all day meeting” so no-one was available to speak to him. Then when he phoned back this week he was told that, ‘half of them are off sick” so still not able to speak to anyone. He was also told he’d have a response within 5 working days and now it’s been 7 and still nothing. How hard is it to make a phone call back?

I’m seeing him tomorrow and he’s going to try again….and hopefully not take an excuse as an answer as it’s gone on far too long. This issue impacts a deadline on his current course, which is tomorrow….

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