Good day, finally

Last days have again been quite heavy with the errands. The unnecessary problems have been too many.

Today didn't go perfectly, but luck was with me. 
I was going to the foot care, alone without help. I can do it moving by my moped and taking a taxi with the lift. Ordered taxi didn't come, nothing was heard, and I couldn't get in touch. There was ten minutes left. My own car is not enough, I need help in getting the rollator in the car. The rollator's tires have been flat for a long time, the valves are so complicated that air can be put in only in the maintenance, barely even there. Happily just today Mr H had a day off, and just yesterday I got the tires finally full. And it wasn't even raining. Snow and slush, but I had the beautiful and good driving weather. All's well that ends well. For a change, thankfully.

In the main picture there's a street near us with the gorgeous rustic, old houses. In Extra there is the best place having the foot care:) The  Christmas tree decoration happening for the war veterans and other seniors was just starting there. My very last working place, that I appreciated much.

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