Decorating the twig

Thank you for your kind response to my attempt at humour yesterday. Much appreciated!

We rushed around in the morning getting the upstairs ready for Ella and Nathaniel staying tonight. (Her bedroom is waiting for the ceiling plaster to dry, then once the painting is done we can move the furniture back in).

We drove the 30 miles to town, parked near #3 daughter’s and got the metro to town in good time for Ella’s choir singing at the City Library. We were in time to secure a prime spot but in the event it didn’t matter where we were, she was well hidden. I even went onto the stairs but that didn’t help. She was in the back row with a bobbing-about- boy in front. They sang in 3 parts and did well with the songs which were seasonal but not religious. Their school is much more multi-cultural than James’s.

You may remember that I had a target to walk (virtually) from Lands End to John o’ Groats in a year. I achieved that so made a new target of 1000 miles. Having Covid set me back a bit so I decided to walk from the library to Saks in Gosforth (3 miles but it all helps now) for my Xmas nails (I chose a sparkly red but Katherine laughed and said #3 daughter had already got hers done in that colour so I decided on a dark purplish sparkle).

Then I walked to #3 daughter’s to meet Mr C and pick up the children. Nathaniel was wearing a “player of the session” t-shirt as the trophy for player of the season had got held up and wouldn’t be arriving this term. He’d rather have a trophy than a t-shirt I think, especially as session isn’t as good as season!

They helped me decorate my twig. Ella is wearing her coat as our house is cold

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