Hairy rucksack!

Oh my God I spent an entire 4 hours listening to pipes, fiddle and God knows what else as I was helping audition for musicians for this summer's tour! Well if I hear one bloody fiddle I heard a dozen! plus listening to full set pipes in a room with a 7 foot ceiling almost made my ears bleed! Finally e hours later we stettled on 8. It was hard graft indeed. Now I have st start thinking of how I will be working with them and work out where we will be having our next set of gigs. Will keep you posted. These teenagers are fantastically talented and deserve to be listened to.
Finally got home at 8pm and #2 daughter had cookded up an amazing spag bol dinner. Bliss. Several glasses of red later and I am totally chilled. My last task is to walk the doggies then chill.
As usual here is Abbie dogs training for the doggy high jump!
Happy blipping all

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