The Oriental East!

Took hubby and myself off to Edinburgh to visit a friend. Strangly it was pouring it down when we got there. Met said friend then she took us to visit a couple she knew (I had met before ) but hubby had not!
The 5 of us went over to their large flat in a converted mansion and embibed in a dram or three of quality plonk! The conversation was in full flow and all was well then I realised that I was staring at their dog who had one eye and the doggy version of Bells Palsy! I thought to myself have I been partaking of too much of the grape! but no the dog indeed had just the one keeker and had a lopsided grin.
After yet more red, we all trooped off somewhere for a meal then landed again back in the home of the one eyed dog! By this time I was definatley feeling the worse for wear and beginning to look not unlike the bloody slobbery dug and I don't think my vision was any better!
Then I tuned back into the conversation going on around me only to realise the person I was (trying) to talk to was the half sister of Bill Dunn (George Orwells brother in law) that wasnt what what impressed me, but the story I had heard in the Comm bar in Lochgilphead about this guy who though he was a war veteran and had only one leg is the only person to have really taken on the Corryvrecin Whirlpool and won! So my night was one of firsts!
First the one eyed dog, then meeting the sister of the famous one legged Bill Dunn! You cant get stranger than that!
Well you would be wrong! but the rest I cannont tell!

Happy blipping

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