
By KCNQ2Haiku

Icy walk

Minus temperatures
replaced by rain, pavements slick
with scary black ice.

It was finally raining this morning, the cloud cover seemed to make it a smidge warmer but the unintended consequences have been very slippy underfoot...
Ben and I had a walk into town in the morning, bought some coffee and some card to make Christmas cards for the teachers, then we all ate lunch together.  Ben and I made some Christmas biscuits after lunch, he was really engaged with rolling out the dough and using the biscuit cutters.  
Mr KCNQ2Haiku and I took Ben for a walk around the lake once the biscuits were ready.  We started off enthusiastically but it was so ridiculously slippy.  Visibility was poor too, so finding the slippy bits was a challenge.  This photo is Mr KCNQ2Haiku holding the back of Ben's jacket whilst instructing him to walk on the less slippy, grassy bits.  It also started raining heavily again during the walk and although we knew the temperatures were over zero, it definitely didn't feel it..  So we were a bit cold and wet but came home for a warm up and things are looking up.  Mr KCNQ2Haiku and I have opened some of the Christmas Prosecco, so that's a win :-D Ben is playing Minecraft and although we didn't quite manage to make and write the teacher Christmas cards today.. tomorrow is another day! 

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