Our car is better. Yay!

Yesterday we told you how our car was a bit poorly. A 'puff of air' symbol had popped up on the dashboard, which our very lovely nephew, Jack, had told us meant that the 'diesel particulate filter' was blocked and we had to take the car on a long run.

Today was the day that my human had time to take it on a long run. But guess what happened?.................. Ann switched on the engine and NO little 'puff of air' symbol appeared??!! How strange was that?

Just to be on the safe side, she took the car out anyway. First she went to Tesco to feed some petrol into it's tummy. (We only fill the tank up about once every couple of months in Edinburgh because we hardly ever use the car in the city, so it's not been fed since we came back from Cornwall in mid Oct.) Then she went to Aldi and bought six bottles of wine so that she had something to feed into her tummy over Christmas if they last that long. Lol. Then she decided to go on the bypass and give the car a little run anyway because she always does what her nephew tells her. Lol!

All is fine. Phew!!! The car seems happy and Ann is happy. Ann has a theory about the 'blocked diesel particulate filter'.................... She thinks that it was probably blocked with ice? Any car mechanics out there that can confirm her theory??.................. Would that be a possibility? The weather turned really cold on Thursday 8th December, we went out in the car on Friday 9th December, when the little 'puff of air symbol' popped up, then Ann went to the supermarket on Tuesday 13th December. The 'puff of air symbol' was still there. It rained last night so the temperature has obviously dropped though it doesn't feel like it so everything is thawing so maybe the diesel particulate filter has just thawed out?!! Who knows?!!

Does Ann care? No! She's just happy that she has a car that doesn't have a warning light on it any more. 

I'm also happy.  Ann took me for a little walk first thing this morning and then she went to work and I had to snooze in my bed until the very lovely Joe, came to pick me up for a big walk in the Hermitage. Joe messaged Ann after he'd popped me back into the flat and told her I'd been a very good girl Joe always says I've been a good girl so Ann knew exactly how long I'd been home alone. That meant that when she finished work at 1.30pm she could go straight out in the car.

When Ann came home just after 2.30pm, this is how she found me........... sitting sensibly in my 'kitchen bed' waiting for her. I normally don't bother greeting/welcoming Ann when she comes home. Usually I just lie in my bed until I feel like getting up. This afternoon, for some unknown reason, I gave Ann ever such a nice welcome and then I tried to climb onto the sofa with her??!! Mmmmmmm.................... I thought that she might not know that Joe had taken me out and I was hoping that she'd take me on another long walk. No such luck. Obviously I got taken out again, but only for a trek around the streets on my lead, so that wasn't very exciting.

And now I'm fast asleep in my little bed in the living room (see extras) and we're not going out again until it's time for my bedtime wee.

Happy Saturday Night Blippers. xxx

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