Another manky old ball

Don't really know what to say today......................... except I found another manky old ball. We've had a really busy day and now my human is tired.

We've got a problem with our car. A 'puff of air' symbol popped up on the dashboard about a week ago. According to Ann's very clever nephew, Jack, that means that the diesel particulate filter is blocked and we need to take it on a long run. In theory, that shouldn't be a problem, but try fitting in taking the car for a long run when the weather is bad, my human is working, I need to go on my walks, etc, etc. We're free most evenings but my human doesn't want to take it on a long run in the dark in case it completely breaks down and then she will be stranded?!  However, tomorrow morning the very lovely Joe, is coming to take me out while Ann is at work, so she's hoping that when she finishes at 1.30pm, she can go straight out in the car for an hour or so and hopefully it will still be light enough to take me for a nice afternoon walk when she comes back. She'll just have to give lunch a miss?!! Not quite sure that plan will happen though because snow is forecast tonight and Ann doesn't do driving in the snow. Problems, problems!!!

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