
By EAnnBlair

A brighter day

To make up for two very dull days today has definitely compensated.
Had a lie in followed by a whizz round Sainsburys. Cooked a fine fennel casserole for lunch and served it up with tortilla. Was captured by Kind Hearts and Coronets on the telly and after did a mad rush round trying to clean the hovel a bit.
Then across the road. We bought this house from Clair and Martin who were emigrating to Australia. Clair's sister lives across the road and her other sister lives across the road too next door. Their mum lives next door to us. Keep up. Anyway Clair and Martin are home for Clair's 50th birthday.
Very nice party apart from the overbearing chap I ended up talking to.
We skipped early to head over to Hebden Bridge to see Albert Lee. Very talented guitarist but the set was a bit too countrified for our taste. Liked the support though - a chap I think called Will Varley. Need to look him up.
Lots of pictures but this cherry blossom in the car park in Hebden Bridge is too nice not to share.

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