Place: St Pete Beach, FL 44/65
Main activity: Sun - bike ride, around the house
Notes: Cold and windy and woke w/ a bit of body stiffness. Headed out and was beautiful but 10 mi. was more than enough. Took a bath when I got back and the tub was one of the best ever in depth, shape, etc. Plumbing didn't seem to love when I drained it tho - what a pain! Watched CBS Sun morning show, made some eggs w/ zucchini and toast. Andy's TV not working so went over - her house and decor is amazing, love it so much! Got the TV working again. Had leftover soup w/ salad & bread for late lunch. Rest of day around Bette's, feeling a bit off - went for little nap. Watched some football. Definitely a nothing-special day.

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