Checking out the neighbour!

This wasn’t my original planned blip, but R sent it to me and I thought it too good to miss. 

I had planned to post a picture of the female blackbird who was sussing out the grape supplies. She has taken to sitting in the nest used by the wood pigeons last summer. Now that the tree is pruned and is leafless, the site is a comfortable observation point to see what’s going on.

A quieter day doing bits and pieces. I did some machine sewing, the first for ages, making new outer covers for the two old beanies. They have been so well used lately that they have worn out.

Major changes in the weather. It was below freezing up until mid afternoon, but it is raining now and 5 degrees. The temperatures are due to rise overnight to about 12 degrees by breakfast time. Perhaps the circulation to my fingers will return!!! 

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