The end of an era

A quieter day, thank goodness. 

The final cards were posted this morning having bought the required number of Christmas stamps at the post office. I also bought books of first and second class stamps to see me into the new year. These are first books of stamps with barcodes that I’ve bought. As I looked at them I realised that the next books I buy will probably have the image of King Charles. 

An explanation about our delivery problems documented yesterday. We have lived here for over 7 years now and this problem has only arisen since our neighbours replaced their front door about 3 months ago and didn’t add a new number plate.

We live in a cul-de-sac and are no 1, the house facing onto the main road.  No 2, our neighbour, is the first house that fronts on to the road which has our address. So delivery drivers automatically turn in  and assume that the house number 2 is in fact number 1. When the house had a number on the door they could easily see that they were at the wrong house and which house was 1, as it is clearly numbered and we got our deliveries, but not now. 

I spoke to our neighbour, when he had to get a wheelbarrow to do 3 trips to deliver very large heavy rolls of rubber flooring that had been left at their front door. As he left he said ‘I think that I need to get a new number plate’, he was exhausted!!! It hasn’t materialised yet. 

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