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Whilst looking through my journal I realised that the photo and diary entry for this day had been posted at the date the photo had been taken in 2003! So, to keep my diary complete I have added a photo of B as he was when I met him, and copied and pasted the diary entry below.
e no idea what or who the card was for, but we were in the Isle of Wight and have friends there, so guessing one of them. I found a series of photos on B’s iPad that I had forgotten about. Taken around 1997 judging by the age of Liam in one of the photos.
I was up at 6am, an improvement on 5! Walked Dog early, as he hadn’t had a walk yesterday. I then set forth to the outlet centre in search of a black dress. I bought a white dress, a pair of sketchers, a pair of pyjamas, some knickers, a candle and three plants, but not one suitable black dress to be found! I will try in town later in the week.
Back home, I took a call from the florist and sorted that, then emails pinged in from the funeral directors. A link to the webcast and one for me to build the tribute and donation page. I really wasn’t up to it today. My brain is like mush. I suddenly realised that I have the people coming to collect the bed and medical equipment at 10am on Thursday. At the exact same time I have a dog walking lady coming to see if she can accommodate Dog in the middle of the day when I return to work, and just half an hour later at 10:30 I have the celebrant coming to go through the service. Not like me at all, so now I have written the week’s appointments or visits on a piece of paper and left it on the side in the kitchen!
I spent the afternoon ironing. This is usually a job I detest, and it hadn’t been done for four weeks. I had all the added bedding from the weekend and B’s hospital bed too. For reasons I still cannot fathom, I also ironed all B’s tee shirts and the lounge pants he had been wearing for the last few weeks. No idea what I’m going to do with them now.
It was a long evening, and with hindsight I should maybe have given Dog another walk, but put on a film instead. I don’t think I have ever watched such a load of bad acted rubbish! Early night now
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