a day of two halves

half one, spent scrubbing and polishing and watering and ironing in the house this yard belongs to (also the home of the ditzy pheasant you can see in the first of the backblips for this week, linked below).

intermission was spent on a train northbound, having an unexpected conversation - as in, i hadn't expected to meet the conversationalist on the platform, arriving about 30 seconds before the train doors shut. the fact that we've never met in person and only talked online and thru my mother is by the by.

half two was spent in the office. normally it takes about half a shift for the holiday feeling to retreat; today it took 40 minutes thanks to the length of time it took to fix all the settings and get my email working. not even N to chat to to help make it better! grr. roll on june's holiday...

backblips begin here, with the above-mentioned hen pheasant

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