Under The Franklinia Leaves

Close friends were having a sidewalk sale nearby on this sunny day, punctuated by brief showers. Neighbors wandered by and poked over the old treasures. I found a pair of nice mittens that should find use in the kitchen during summer, then as bike riding gear in the cold.

Here you see A. at the center (in purple) gabbing with a lady from under her beloved Franklinia tree, which has more air than it did last year after some cutting back of its merely beliked competitors. After I took this picture, she chatted with a young music lover who was flipping through the box of old record albums. A had too many dear memories in those grooves --"Oh. not my Lou Reed!" --and so she decided that the discs were not for sale after all. The shopper said, "I know exactly how you feel!"

These were cheerful moments & great bargains on a balmy afternoon in May.

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