West Coaster

By WestCoaster


It was the morning after the day before, my hips and back were sore after the exertions in the mud yesterday... I really wondered if a skate was the best thing but wondered if it maybe just the think to loosen the tightened muscles. A session of field moves and a quick run through of a current routine left my old body feeling no better but surprisingly no worse!!!

This anchor is another of the symbols of the heritage of shipping and ship building, it stands adjacent to the police office in Greenock and now adjacent to the the new Beacon Arts Center too. I remember this from childhood I was always fascinated by the enormity if the chain and even today it seems to exude a strength I cannot explain.

At this time of year with the spring blooms surrounding it, the anchor seems somehow softened, the coldness of the iron, the flaking and rusting paint secondary to the colours and textures of the flowers, even today, with the rain teaming down, The pink blossom of the trees behind partially blurred by rain on the lens seemed appropriate to keep and not re-shoot, a testament to the horrific weather of the last few days.

I hope you enjoy a splash of colours a slight deviation from the monochrome of recent days

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