Liverpool Docks

A lot of errands to run today and a lot of jobs ticked off.Steve has finished off our heaters and all are serviced and converted to 28sec.

Helen has started transplanting the third batch of Viola.One of the conveyers on the loading unit not working.Just a relay that we soon had sorted out.We took the opportunity to adjust the track of the belt itself.

News.Everyone I speak with has given up the BBC for news some because it is drivel others because they don't trust it.I was surprised talking to my brother that he still listens to BBC radio including Radio 2 and Radio 4.I gave up all radio a long time ago.Radio 2 has turned out the same old rubbish for forty years and Radio 4 is so far to the left and politically correct it is frankly unbearable.Thankfully we can get decent radio and quality news broadcasts over the internet.

The picture is Liverpool Docks over the fields.

Sunny and fairly mild.

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