Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2022 Tuesday — Commotion

And then there were carnations. In the middle of the chaos, the commotion, and the craziness . . . Christmas carnations.

We were at Costco to pick-up the refill of Mitzi’s prescription that her veterinarian prescribed long ago and we continue to use for her coughing/choking from her shrinking trachea.

While we were at Costco, we did get several other things . . . finally we found a countertop microwave; it replaces the one inside our cupboard. Microwave ovens are difficult to find. Because we are dinosaurs we still use one to warm a few things, mainly coffee. Everyone else has “air” appliances: air-fryer, air-oven. I know nothing about them. Call me dinosaur.

Currently, we have a “carefree” agenda, so being a spectator to all the frenzied shopping was interesting. Mr. Fun reminded me several times that these are not the last minute shoppers; they arrive in a couple more days.

Merry Christmas Carnations,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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