Do You See…

How quickly an entire family’s plans can change. We found out last night that both Sky and Abi have COVID. Lauren’s fiancé also has symptoms but tested negative so far. Our Christmas plans are now completely up in the air. Kristen’s family is supposed to leave on a cruise on Christmas Day. Not sure how that is going to work out with Sky sick. Abi has to quarantine until 12/27 so Jamie’s family can’t go anywhere or host anyone. What a mess. My mother will be staying home away from the germs but her guest list for Fr. Bill’s visit has certainly been reduced. That darn virus surely is still wrecking havoc everywhere. Hubby and I picked up meds and all ingredients needed for baking my cookies. He treated me to a Red Robin burger since I’d spent the morning trying to form a new plan. We stopped by church so I could get a photo of the manger scene out front while it was still day light. It will all work out even if we have to FaceTime with those families with sick members. It is almost time for our penance service at church. Then we’ll enjoy Renee’s chili. Thanks for dropping by. Take care and try to avoid that terrible virus. "A little child, A shining star, A stable rude, The door ajar. Yet in that place, So crude, forlorn, The Hope of all The world was born.” - ANONYMOUS

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