The Candy Maker

We got up bright and early so we could get busy with the jobs of the day. Hubby was a jewel, helping wherever I needed him. He vacuumed the entire house, put up pictures, and most importantly, helped me bake for hours. We started making cookies right after lunch and stopped at 7:30 with five varieties complete. Tomorrow I have to bake three batches of refrigerated dough I made today, plus mini cheesecakes and mini chocolate cupcakes. Hubby’s favorite treat is the cracker candy we make. The bottom layer is Club crackers soaked in homemade caramel, next layer is melted semi sweet chocolate that is topped with pecans. Today, he did most of the work to produce that delight. After it hardens in the refrigerator, we break it into pieces. Yum! We are going to have Christmas Eve brunch for those who can make it and we will Zoom with the others when it is time to open gifts. On Christmas Day, my sister and BIL will join hubby and me to take our mother to 9:00 am Mass. We’ll take lunch down and watch her open our presents. That evening, we will go to my daughter’s for dinner after they open their stocking stuff. That’s the plan at the moment. Thanks for visiting. Stay safe and well. “I think love is caramel. Sweet and fragrant; always welcome. It is the gentle golden colour of a setting harvest sun; the warmth of a squeezed embrace; the easy melting of two souls into one and a taste that lingers even when everything else has melted away. Once tasted it is never forgotten.” - Jenny Colgan

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