
A bit of pond drama this morning. 

I was just out for a wee jog round the park when I stopped at the pond to watch a swan coming down the hill to the water. However, alarm bells started ringing when I realised that there were already five cygnets in the water (the usual number) and also two white adult swans. Then another white swan appeared - two interlopers! Napoleon doesn’t take too kindly to strangers on his patch. The Canada Geese have a hard time of it, but they were now given a reprieve as Napoleon and Josephine, feathers all puffed up, started circling and harassing the newcomers. Josephine rather overdid it and chased one across the frozen part and managed to get herself stuck on the ice. She had one leg in the water and the other was on top of the ice and couldn’t get any purchase to move herself off. I couldn’t help and Napoleon just swanned around oblivious, so he was no help either. Eventually I went away, hoping that the ice would melt beneath her and she would be freed.

I had to go back and check out the situation in the afternoon, and happily both Josephine and Napoleon were back circumnavigating the pond. The visitors were still there and it didn’t look like they were going to get any peace tonight.

The extras show some of the stushie, Josephine stuck, and a happy release later in the day with the new kids holding their ground (water?) in the background.

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