Festive duo

I made two trips to our pop up farm shop today, it’s much nearer my house and I had forgotten to buy some mushrooms. In the morning, business looked rather slow although a gentleman and I had both put our baskets on the floor. I managed to remove a lettuce which he had inadvertently placed in my basket but then got to the checkout and two garlic bulbs had gone through unnoticed by me until I explained they weren’t mine and must belong to that man again. The store was much busier in the afternoon which I am sure they were all pleased as all the family were pulling together to make it a success. I often pass these little head statues which are variously decorated with clothing. 
I walked to White bridge and back. The birds are enjoying the large lake which has formed from the flooded water. There were plenty of wigeon, one in extras. It was dry today after a wet start and my husband washed my car with buckets of water and also put a new plate on the inside of the letter box so no gap now so another source of escaping heat has been secured. 

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