The wildlings are happy that it's now the holidays. All three bigger ones had Christmas parties today. 

This morning saw me jumping in the car and delivering Xmas chocolates to school and nursery and then braving M+S with Mr R and the jedi. We still need to do tesco later. Sigh. 

I delivered Joan and Eddie's Xmas gifts round today and then got on with wrapping gifts. I need to pick a couple of things up from Argos but everything else has been wrapped. And now I don't have to stress about it. 

The jedi is looking perkier, and has more energy.  He did wilt for a while earlier when he had a temperature but calpol has done the trick. 

The big boys woke to fudge the elf this morning with a tub of coal and a note. One wildling has been a little tricky with his words and has been a little mean. So it's a warning.  I totally raked the garage to make sure I had some . Hehe. 

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