Haircut, nails and a cheeky Costa

Happy Christmas eve world of blip. 

I spent the morning having some girly time with Harp. I got my eyebrows waxed and she got her nails done. She enjoyed her pamper session.  We then went up town after for a quick Costa together.  

Mr R met us and dropped Carson off with us while he took the two bigger boys for a haircut.  Lincoln would spend the day there. He loves being styled. Xander however I had to bribe him as he hates the bits of hair that escapes down his neck. He's in and out that seat as fast as he can be. I met them there. 

The soup is made, the house is clean, I'm bathing the two small wildlings now so I only have the bigger two later. 
.we're having a cheeky macdonalds for dinner as I try and not cook on Xmas eve. I try and make the day relaxed as there is so much anxiety over the Christmas period when autism is involved.  I may even have a glass of wine later. I only have 2 things to wrap and that's it. 

I want to wish you all a very merry Christmas,  I hope its a lovely day for you whatever and however you choose to celebrate.  
Thank you for all your friendship.  

( one of my extras was 3 years ago today, the only photo I have of me and all the wildlings.  My friend took it ). 

Ho ho ho , merry Christmas 

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