Two more sleeps!!!

In two more days it will be Christmas Day and I will be able to open all my presents. Yay! I have three pressies under the tree. Ann doesn't have one single present. Boohoo. Not looking for the sympathy vote here, but she was hoping that her 'Collie calendars' (that her nephews make for her every year) would have arrived by now. Mmmmmm................... posties on strike again tomorrow so it doesn't look like my human is going to have any pressies to open this year??!!

We are going to our friend Susi's for Christmas Dinner, so today, we took the bus to her flat to drop a load of stuff off. Susi only lives a 30-40 min walk away but that's a long way to walk with two bottles of wine and loads of other Christmas stuff etc. There's no buses running on Christmas Day so Ann wanted to drop it all off in advance.

You can guess what happened?........................ Ann & Susi decided to have a couple of pre Christmas Day glasses of vino. Lol!

I've had four walks today and they've all been on my lead but for some reason, I'm absolutely shattered. See extras.

Oh and my human hasn't ranted for a while......................... so here's a RANT?!!!..........................

The queue for the 'Cheese shop' at 8.15am this morning was very, very long my human bought some cheese from waitrose a couple of days ago. The queue to get onto the rooftop car park at Waitrose at 8.30am was very, very, long. The queue for buses on Morningside Road at 10.30am was very, very, long. The queue for the Cheese Shop at 11.30am was still very, very, long. The number of cars trying to park on double yellow lines was ridiculous yes the parking enforcement officers were out and about rubbing their hands in glee today. The queue to get onto the waitrose rooftop car park at 2.30pm was still very long. The afternoon queue at the Cheese Shop was ridiculous....................... Anybody would think we were back in lockdown???!! What is it with Christmas Day?................ It's one day for goodness sake?!!....................... And Christmas Dinner is basically just a sunday roast?!! #justsaying

OK........................ maybe my human is just feeling a teeny, weeny, little bit jealous that we don't have a massive family to share Christmas with.
...............BUT actually..................... she's got two sisters, two nephews and one niece, who she knows would always help her out in an emergency.

Family is important at Christmas but what is even more important is knowing that people care about you all the year round.

Thank you Jill, Sue, Dan, Jack, Emma xxxxx

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