.........................One more sleep!

Only went for a little 'toileting' trot around the block first thing this morning because Ann was working 12-4pm and she wanted to take me out for a couple of hours after we'd had our breakfast. It was absolutely chucking it down with rain on my trot around the block so we both got soaked. And then, because it was raining, Ann settled down to catch up on 'Coronation Street' while she was having breakfast.

Mmmmm................ when it got to 9.30am I knew that I wouldn't be going on a two hour walk. My human doesn't like rain. She takes me out in all weathers but when it's raining, I get shorter walks than normal.
By 10am the rain had almost stopped so we went to the park for an hour. I found a rather lovely stick. I carried it for about 20 mins and then I abandoned it. There's not really much point in me exerting myself carrying sticks home. I'm allowed to bring them home, but I have to keep them on the balcony........ And then, when Ann thinks I've forgotten about them, she just disposes of them. I'm not really sure what she does with them, but they're never, ever, there when I go out looking for them.

I had snooze time this afternoon and when Ann came home from work, it was raining yet again, and it was dark, so I just got another little trek around on my lead.
Doing nothing made me hungry so I asked for my dinner at 5pm. (I normally get my dinner around 5.30-6pm-ish). I've gobbled it all up and now I'm back in my little bed snoozing. I really am the most perfect pooch in the world.........................

It's Christmas Eve. Only one more sleep until Christmas Day and then I can open all my presents. Yay!

We're staying in 'home alone' this evening. My human is going to have her own little party, because she bought loads of party food yesterday. She might even share open a bottle of Prosecco and drink it all herself.

Unfortunately, there's not much on TV tonight though is there????

Wishing all you lovely BLIPPERS a very Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year. Lots of love from Trixie the Collie Pup, & my human, Ann xxxxx

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