Where did my legs go?

Up early (3 am Cairo time) to get to the airport for our flight. I know it was early because, as we checked out, I saw some kids going home after a night in the casino.
Felt really cream crackered by the time we got into Paris. You know that mind body experience thing where your head seems to be swimming along somewhere 2000 miles away - and your legs are walking towards a lounge in the home of finding a bed to lie down on?

Anyway arrived back only to find that most of our bags hadn't arrived - and that about 30 other people hadn't got theirs either. Was just about to start an exhausted rant when suddenly, they found them all again.

So, back home relatively unscathed. Presents exchanged, supper eaten and then told to go to bed by the daughter as we were (apparently) falling asleep in our chairs.

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