Best Christmas Eve wishes from me and the lovely elf violinist. I walked to a market in the 11th and took tons of images there. You can guess which are those. Stopped in a button shop I knew if from research and bought some ribbons.

And kept walking along a very cool street still busy but not thronged on way to Pere la Chaise Cemetery. Found Gertrude Stein and Proust but my loop did not get me to Heloise and Abelard and the stones were feet killers. So I said “I will be back you two”

And headed back with 4 miles to go. As I got to Place de Bastille I encountered a phalanx of Paris police with all the defensive equipment. I had seen This six years ago so that part was not so frightening but when suddenly there was a truck full of chanting people and crowds running behind and then police moving well you bet I followed others retreating. As they move further north I scampered around the Place and onto the blvd to the bridge over the river. The road was barricaded at every corner so was safe.

Who knows. Could be related to the “incident” yesterday. Or simply a protest. The world is not all bliss for many.

And I made that gentleman’s day with a donation. He was happy and fine with the photo. But I always move far back. Seems respectful. Unless I am being sneaky. I mostly never get caught.

Best warm wishes. Joyeaux Noel I went to a family mass at st Germaine de Pres, the family one. Jammed. Singing. All in French of course. I must learn this language better!

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