Merry Christmas From New Zealand

Today I finally got my wish of taking a sandwich to the beach and relaxing on Christmas day.  Lovely daughter and I had left over pavlova for breakfast, shame on us.  We opened presents which were all practical and just what each of us wanted.  The son exceeded expectations with a book about NZ gins and one about permaculture gardening.  He and Bridie and little Finn are enjoying Christmas beside Lake Taupo with Bridie's family. 
Then we each made the kind of sandwich we wanted using the ham from last nights dinner and focaccia bread I baked last night.  Some Christmas mince pies and cold drinks and off to Rabbit Island.  There were a lot of families there enjoying a sunny day and being together but it is so big an area everyone had space.  We people watched, we read a little, we had a swim.  I admit mine was just a stand about in the waves but I got wet.   
Home now and the last pic is the ingredients for stuffing the chicken and zucchini from the garden along with bought beetroot which will be baked.  New potatoes and peas or beans from the garden will complete our dinner. 
Happy Christmas to those who celebrate weather you are in summer or winter. 


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